2024 Summer Missionary
Each year Camp Northward partners with a missionary. Our summer missionary connects with campers to help them understand how God is using them to help others know and love Jesus. They also help campers to understand how God can use them to help the Kingdom of God grow locally and globally. Camp Northward donates $5 of every camper registration to our summer missionary to help cover their basis costs of serving us throughout the summer.
Please read below about our 2024 Summer Missionary, and consider giving to this important Kingdom Work.

Brett Seybold and his wife Heather served as missionaries in Germany for a decade. He has earned a PhD at Liberty University where his focus was Jesus and the post-Christian mindset while specifically highlighting skeptics’ inability to get rid of the Biblical portrait of Jesus. Brett has launched KAPOL (Kontakt Apologetics) which is a sub mission of Kontakt Mission, a non-denominational, European-based missions network and movement. His mission includes interviewing skeptics apologetically across Western Europe specifically the French, English, and German areas and to use speaking engagements internationally in churches, campus ministries, camps and more to help plant seeds and help churches get their non-believers and skeptics more curious about Jesus. Brett’s international apologetics YouTube channel is called KAPOL Kontakt Apologetics.