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Parent & Me

June 20-22, 2025

About this Session 

"Parent & Me" is one of the most unique sessions that Camp Northward will offer this summer. What makes this one so special? Well, it's a camp session for campers...and their family members. This session is a time for adults to work, learn and play alongside their campers. Together, families will work on devotions, put crafts together, complete small challenges and meet other families to uplift and encourage one another. 


Note: Camp Northward acknowledges that every nuclear family looks a little different. Grandparents and guardians are welcome to sign up as a"parent" for this session.  Also, Please keep in mind that our dorms are gender specific. We have faculty in place for children whose parent/guardian is not able to stay in the dorm with them." If you have any questions about your specific situation, please call the camp office.

Bunking Note: Cedar Lodge is split into men's/boys & women's/girl's bunking. A frequently asked question is bunking arrangements for this event. We maintain the same bunk assignments and rules as we do for any other summer session. As an example, a mom can attend with her son, but they will be sleeping in two different dorm rooms. Please keep this in mind and plan accordingly. Feel free to call the office if you have any questions about this. Thank you!

Pricing Tiers

What's Parent & Me Like?

Want to learn more about this session? Watch last year's recap video.

About Your Dean: TBA

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