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It's Giving November!
What is Giving November?
Camp Northward is celebrating Giving November. November is a month that can highlight how much we each truly have. It is a time to count our blessings. It can also be a hard month for many, as losses are felt around the holidays. It is a time we should pray for those who are impoverished in spirit, in money or in family.
In the spirit of cultivating a spirit of generosity in our camp community, we are celebrating the Thanksgiving season in three key ways: 1. We have provided a November calendar for you, 2. We have filled it in with challenges you can choose to complete, and 3. We are celebrating Giving Tuesday (November 29).
The Calendar

In the spirit of cultivating a spirit of generosity in our camp community, we have created the following calendar for you! Do not feel like you need to do each suggested item every single day of the month; perhaps choose 2-3 action items that strike you and put them on your "to do" list on the right. We would love to see photos and hear stories as you all do some of these things!
Printing instructions: we recommend printing this document on legal-size paper for best results; otherwise, we recommend printing in landscape and trimming off the excess. You can also view a digital version of this calendar on our website starting this week.

The Challenges
​Each day, Camp Northward has a suggestion - a challenge! - for how you can celebrate Giving November. Do not feel like you need to do each suggested item every single day of the month; perhaps choose 2-3 action items that strike you and put them on your "to do" list. We would love to see photos and hear stories as you all do some of these things! Please be sure to share these with us on our social media pages or email them to us.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Giving Tuesday
What is Giving Tuesday?
Giving Tuesday
According to "Network for Good", #GivingTuesday is an international day of giving that harnesses the power of social media. This is done through actions of kindness and generosity.
Giving Tuesday was founded in 2012 as the simplest of ideas: a day that encourages people to do good.
Now, every year, nonprofits around the world raise money and awareness for their organizations on Giving Tuesday. Communities come together for change.

Word cloud courtesy of

Why is Camp Northward celebrating GT?
This is a unique way to celebrate acts of generosity and kindness with our community! We want to bring together our Camp Northward staff, faculty, campers and Board together alongside our larger community. We want to highlight all the good that has been done in the past year and gather resources to fund the next year and all the good that will occur then.
What you can do to help.
We will continue to share ways you can help as we get closer to Giving Tuesday, but for now, here are some simple steps you can take to make a difference:
1. Share the "Giving November" calendar.
You can do this by printing it out, handing it out at church, sharing it on your social media challenges, etc.
2. Complete the "Giving November" challenges.
By participating, you are showing the importance of generosity and kindness this time of year.
3. Change your profile pic to the "Giving Tuesday" logo at some point this month. This helps raise awareness of the effort and educates others on what Giving Tuesday is.
4. Participate in Giving Tuesday! The simplest way you can help Camp Northward on Giving Tuesday is to make a donation of at least $5.00 to our "10,000 Reasons" Capital Campaign. That's it!
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